The America250PADelco Commission was appointed by Delaware County Council on July 17, 2024 and is composed of up to 20 members that are a representative sample of Delaware County residents and are community leaders from a broad range of backgrounds and have a diversity of expertise and experience, which may include tourism, economic development, museum, cultural, and historic sites, business, education, labor, charitable giving, government, civic and faith-based organizations, and Tribal representatives.

Andrea Silva, Chair 
Director, America250PADelco, Wallingford
Danielle McNichol, Esq., Vice Chair
McNichol Law Office/ Fastest Labs, Glen Mills

The Honorable Thomas H. Killion, Treasurer
Wyatt Elevator Company, Glen Mills

Paul J. Hewes Jr., Secretary
Delaware County Historical Society, Media

Oliver Bass
Natural Lands, Springfield
Robert W. Bogle
The Philadelphia Tribune, Yeadon
Ambassador Secretary Kenneth J. Braithwaite
Summa Equity, Chadds Ford
Ralph J. Cicalese
WSFS Bank, Swarthmore
Dr. Maria Edelberg
Delaware County Intermediate Unit, Havertown
Laura Goodrich Cairns
Delaware County Commerce Center, Aston
Elleanor Jean Hendley
TeenShop, Havertown
Jannie K. Lau, Esq.
Retired technology executive, Villanova
Robert MacPherson
Visit Delco, Media
Kevin Madden
Delaware County Council, Haverford
Christine A. Reuther
Delaware County Council, Wallingford
Tony Shahan
Newlin Grist Mill, Glen Mills
Dave White
DWD Mechanical Contractors, Morton

The work of the Commission is to coordinate with Delaware County Commerce Center, Visit Delco, America250PADelco Committees, and major partners to facilitate the raising of funds to support commemoration efforts, to designate and oversee official America250 projects in Delaware County, and to monitor and oversee the work of the America250PADelco Director.

Bylaws of the Delaware County America 250 Commission

The Commission will hold public meetings at least quarterly. Dates published below.

Regular Public Meeting Dates & Agendas

America250PADelco will publish Meeting notices for 2025. This Commission meets in person at various locations in Delaware County and virtually via zoom.

Public comment may be submitted in advance to

  • December 19, 2024, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm  | Agenda | Zoom Meeting Link | Minutes
    Location:  in person at 2 W. Baltimore Avenue, 3rd Floor County Conference Center, Media, PA 1903 and virtually via Zoom.

  • Thursday, January 23, 2025, 2:30-4 pm | Agenda | Zoom Meeting Link  | Minutes
    Location: virtually via Zoom and in person at Delaware County Intermediate Unit, 200 Yale Ave, Morton, PA19070 

  • Thursday, March 20, 2025, 2:30-4 pm | AgendaZoom Meeting Link & Password: Delco250 | Minutes
    Location:  virtually via Zoom and in person at at Natural Lands, 1031 Palmers Mill Road, Media, PA 19063

  • Thursday, May 15, 2025, 2:30-4 pm | Agenda | Zoom Meeting Link & Password: Delco250 | Minutes
    Location:  virtually via Zoom and in person at Newlin Grist Mill, 219 Cheyney Rd, Glen Mills, PA 19342

  • Thursday, July 17, 2025, 2:30-4 pm  | Agenda | Zoom Meeting Link & Password: Delco250 | Minutes
    Location:  virtually via Zoom and in person at a location to be announced.

  • Thursday, September 18, 2025, 2:30-4 pm | Agenda | Zoom Meeting Link & Password: Delco250 | Minutes
    Location:  virtually via Zoom and in person at a location to be announced.

  • Thursday, November 20, 2026, 2:30-4 pm | Agenda | Zoom Meeting Link & Password: Delco250 | Minutes
    Location:  virtually via Zoom and in person at a location to be announced.

The Delaware County America 250 Commission is expected to meet through January 2027. Additional meeting dates will be published in December 2025.

Reminder: The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 PA.CS §§ 701-716, requires agencies to deliberate and take official action on agency business in open and public meetings. 

The public may access Commission Meetings through the Zoom links above. 

Public comment may be submitted in advance to

We request that any party wishing to make comment adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • Remarks are limited to three minutes. You may supplement your remarks with written comments. Please email a written copy of any statement that you are making at least 48 hours prior to the public meeting to
  • Please select a single spokesperson from your group or organization to address the Commission in the three minutes allotted to your group during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Summarize your main points and present any other new and relevant information. 
  • The use of recording devices is permitted so long as they do not disrupt the meeting or interfere with participation in or observation of the meeting by other attendees. The use of video recording devices is limited to the rear of the meeting room unless another area is designated. If you intend to use a recording device, please note this on the sign-in sheet prior to the start of the meeting.

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--Declaration of Independence